Annual Consultative Meetings

Annual Consultative Meetings

The Sprint Racing Committee (SRC) Annual Consultative Meeting (ACM) is generally held each September or October.

Each year, the position of either the Chair, Secretary or Treasurer of the SRC is open for election and the term is for 3 years. Committee members of the SRC are also elected for a period of 3 years.

All notifications and papers for forthcoming ACMs will be made available on this website, with the category ACM.

Sprint clubs eligible to vote at the ACM

Only certain canoe clubs have eligibility to vote at a SRC ACM. These clubs have to, beforehand, register the person from the club that will be attending the ACM or who has the authority to cast a proxy vote.

Nominations to sit on the SRC

Anyone interested in standing for election to the SRC must send either an online nomination (preferred) or a postal nomination, to the SRC Secretary. The deadline for nominations changes slightly each year, but it is generally 6 weeks before the ACM and each nomination must be supported by the signatures of two full individual British Canoeing members.

Mr P Miles,
Secretary, BC Sprint Racing Committee,
67 Foxes Way,
CV34 6AY

Previous ACM Minutes