ACM 2022 – Preliminary Notice

ACM 2022 – Preliminary Notice

The Sprint Racing Section’s Annual Consultative Meeting will be a virtual meeting starting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 28th September 2022.

Information for the meeting will be available on this SRC website nearer the time.

Each year, the position of either the Treasurer, Chair or Secretary is open for election. The election team is for 3 years. In 2022, the election will be for the Committee’s Chair.

The Sprint Racing Committee members are also elected for a period of 3 years, for the 2022 ACM there are 3 positions open for election.

Anyone who would be interested to stand for election to the Sprint Racing Committee, or as the Chair, please send a nomination, supported by the signatures of two full Individual British Canoeing members, either electronically or by post to reach the SRC Secretary no later than midnight on Tuesday 16th August 2022.

Likewise, any item for discussion at the ACM, must be returned in writing, supported by the signatures of two full Individual British Canoeing members, again to reach the Secretary, either electronically or by post no later than midnight on Tuesday 16th August 2022.

Secretary, BC Sprint Racing Committee
Mrs C. Wynne, 40 Bramble Close, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 9HQ