Elite Athlete Parent Presentation Series – Adam and Emma Miles

Elite Athlete Parent Presentation Series – Adam and Emma Miles

The England Talent Programme are delighted to announce the latest in our Elite Parent Presentation Series, featuring Adam and Emma Miles. Adam and Emma are the parents of Philip Miles who was the 2019 Canoe Sprint K1M 1000m Junior European silver medallist. Philip is currently a member of the World Class Programme, is an active member of the Sprint Racing Committee and has recently graduated from the University of Nottingham with a first class degree in music. Adam and Emma will be presenting their experience and insight of supporting Philip in his sporting and academic journey.

This presentation will be hosted online through Google Meet on Tuesday 28 March 2023 at 19:30pm.

Sign up to register an interest in attending this presentation and a link will be sent out to you.

If you are not able to attend, a recording of the meeting will also be uploaded onto the Talent Parent Programme Webinars and Video Resources webpage soon afterwards.