The Sprint Racing Section’s Annual Consultative Meeting has been postponed by three weeks. The new date of the ACM will be Wednesday 18th October 2023, beginning at 7:30pm via a zoom online meeting. Due to an unusually high number of positions on the committee being up for election, this decision has been made in order to allow more time to receive nominations.

In addition to the Treasurer which is to be appointed for a term of three years, the position of Chair is up for election. Tim Scott, who was elected as Chair at the 2022 ACM, intends to step down at the 2023 ACM. Therefore, the successful candidate will serve the remaining two years of the Chair’s term.

The Sprint Racing Committee members are also elected for a period of 3 years. Due to a number of resignations, there are 5 places open on the committee. We would strongly encourage anybody who feels they are able to contribute to the administration and running of Canoe Sprint activities in the UK to stand for election to the SRC.

Anyone who would be interested to stand for election to the Sprint Racing Committee, or as the Treasurer or Chair, please send a nomination form (available below), supported by the signatures of two full Individual British Canoeing members, either electronically or by post to reach the SRC Secretary no later than midnight on Tuesday 5th September 2023.

Likewise, any item for discussion at the ACM, must be returned in writing, supported by the signatures of two full Individual British Canoeing members, again to reach the Secretary, either electronically or by post no later than midnight on Tuesday 5th September 2023.

Secretary, BC Sprint Racing Committee
Mr P Miles, 67 Foxes Way, Warwick, CV34 6AY